Failing forward into entrepreneurship

Another morning, another chance to do my routine without the 9-5 rush. I appreciate having this alone time - to get some sun, play the piano, and just vibe before work. It's a luxury not everyone gets.

It's been almost 4 years since I left my corporate job, and over 2 years since I stopped working for PayMongo. Leaving that stable income was a big risk, but I'm glad I took it. This entrepreneur journey has been one hell of a ride.

The road hasn't been straight at all. I've had failed businesses, partners who screwed me over, and tons of self-doubt along the way. But going through all that made me stronger and wiser about what it really takes to make it as an entrepreneur.

Money-wise, I haven't hit it big yet based on my own high standards. But the experiences gave me priceless lessons you can't put a price tag on. I know what it feels like to have a business going nowhere, to get blindsided by people you trusted, to face the harsh realities head-on.

This is the kind of MBA that I decided to take.

Moving forward, I'm focused on really nurturing the ideas and passions I deeply believe in, one thing at a time. No more spreading myself thin. I want to create something amazing that gets me a seat at the table with other successful entrepreneurs who can learn from my journey.

The imposter syndrome creeps in sometimes, making me doubt if I have what it really takes. But I have to shut that voice up. With relentless hard work and belief in myself, I know I can make it.

So here's to embracing the ups and downs, twists and turns of life as an entrepreneur. It's one crazy ride, but I'm grateful to be on it. This bumpy road is shaping me into who I'm meant to become.