When an old friend calls

Ring... Ring...

I didn’t expect to end up in tears—happy, joyful tears—from a 2-minute phone call.

Last night at 9:30 p.m., my phone rang. It was one of my close college friends, someone I hadn't spoken to much over the past four years. Life had taken us on different paths—he was deep into the rigors of law school at Ateneo Law School, while I was busy pursuing my career in tech.

But that night... the years melted away.

He called to share the incredible news: not only was he graduating, but he was also at the top of his batch. Hearing this, my heart swelled with pride and happiness. It felt like a moment frozen in time, a time capsule we had opened together, marveling at how life had unfolded.

Four years ago, he was on the waitlist for law school, his dream seemingly slipping through his fingers. His grandfather was his inspiration, and he was determined to become a lawyer. During those uncertain months, I was his sounding board, his cheerleader, his confidant. 

We spent countless hours on the phone... me listening to his worries, encouraging him, and praying with him. I helped him focus on what he could control and let go of what he couldn’t.

At the same time, I was facing my own crossroads. I was contemplating leaving a stable corporate job to chase my dream of working in tech and becoming an entrepreneur. We were both on the brink of major life changes, supporting each other through our respective journeys.

Fast forward to now... he has achieved his dream, and I have immersed myself in the tech industry, building businesses across different sectors. That two-minute phone call where he shared his triumph was a profound reminder of our deep connection.

We laughed... we cried... we celebrated together, even though we were miles apart.

This blog is dedicated to him and his beloved grandmother, who recently passed away. She would be incredibly proud of him for his perseverance and dedication. I was a witness to his journey, and I know she was too. Even though she isn't here to see it come to fruition, her influence and love have been a guiding force for him.

In this moment, I am filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the friendship that has withstood the test of time and distance. Gratitude for the ability to share in his joy. And gratitude for the reminder that these connections, though they may not be part of our daily lives, remain deeply significant.

We should celebrate these friendships—the ones that don’t require daily conversations to remain strong. The ones that, when reconnected, feel like no time has passed at all. Last night, I wasn't the one who graduated, but my heart felt the same joy and pride as if I had. And that is the true essence of friendship.

To my dear friend, congratulations on your incredible achievement. Your journey has been nothing short of inspiring. To your grandmother, I know you are watching over him with pride. And to everyone reading this, cherish your friendships, celebrate their milestones, and remember that true connections are timeless.